Rehabilitation & Resettlement

The Government of India believed that a combined law was necessary, one that legally requires rehabilitation and resettlement necessarily and simultaneously follow government acquisition of land for public purposes. Mainstreaming and social development principles in infrastructure development projects, we offer various types of services:

Initial Social Assessments (ISA): AMC conducts Initial Social Assessments (ISA) for project-affected people in resettlement projects.

Social / Baseline Surveys: Social / Baseline surveys are conducted by AMC to assess the socio-economic conditions of the project affected people in resettlement projects.

Inventory of Loss Surveys: Surveys to develop an extensive inventory of all assets lost by the project affected people in resettlement projects are also conducted by AMC .

Preparation of Resettlement Action Plan : AMC facilitates the formulation of Resettlement Action Plan for the people affected in involuntary resettlement projects.

Monitoring System on R&R: AMC facilitates projects involving involuntary resettlement in development of effective Monitoring systems on the issue of Resettlement & Rehabilitation.