Years of
AMC Research Group is a Research and consulting organization established in 1998, is a Research & Consulting organization. Our primary focus is Social Development Research and Market Research. Over the last two decade, we have successfully completed several projects including large scale survey, monitoring and evaluation studies for government.
AMC has laid substantial emphasis on need for conducting research, participatory monitoring, evaluations, and institutional assessments etc.
Business dictionary defines CSR as "A company's sense of responsibility towards the community and environment.
AMC professionals are well experienced in conducting training for the development & capacity building of individuals and organisations.
The Government of India believed that a combined law was necessary, one that legally requires rehabilitation and resettlement necessarily.
Public opinion gathering has come of age in India. AMC professionals are the best-rated professionals in public opinion research.
Social science or soft science studies the human aspects of the world. It includes an in-depth study and evaluation of human behavior by using scientific methods.